An otolaryngology residency at Emory?

5:48 AM (2/27/23):
5:49 AM (2/27/23): "A zoom-in of my official transcript (Rice University & Seton Hall University), highlighting (via a red box) my 3.65 GPA (from Seton Hall)... with my major of 'behavioral science'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:47 PM (2/27/23):

6:04 AM (12/14/22):
1:02 PM (10/19/21): "...At some point, I did want to be an astronaut... such may have influenced my decision to go to Eastern Virginia Medical School, given there have been some physicians... who have gone to space... Nevertheless, there is a height limit of 75 inches (6'3"), which I did take note of... ...such may have resulted in some miscommunication long ago, regarding my Rice University roster profile height listing... given that a height-weight measuring device, will authenticate I am 76 inches tall (6'4")..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(see 'Historical' tab, to right of 'Bio' and 'Related' tabs... via a laptop or desktop)






(1 of 3)

(2 of 3)

(3 of 3)

I recently downloaded the app ‘MedShr,’ to my phone… and have integrated the prior three snapshots, into this blog…

6:11 PM (1/3/22): 
"Inconveniently, the document I provided ('zoom-in' of my 'residency offer notice,' atop 'a' countertop) was not sufficient... for account verification. Such was the extent of what I had, in the context of my 'involuntarily disabled'... prior laptop... from the Fall of 2019, when I had been in Philadelphia, PA..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(Westin Hotel photo of an interior office, from the summer of 2019... when I had been in Virginia Beach, VA's 'Pembroke Area'... I had been there for 3-4 weeks, aside from at a friend's place in Virginia Beach, VA... for a weekend, and at some dude's place in Norfolk, VA... for a while... when not experiencing 'perpetual vagrancy')

October 26, 2021

9:15 AM (11/22/22):

Salary Transparent Street (@salarytransparentstreet) TikTok | Watch Salary Transparent Street's Newest TikTok Videos (a resident physician remarks about the journey that is customary, for his peers)

4:55 PM (12/12/22):

drbreathebetternow (@drbreathebetternow) TikTok | Watch drbreathebetternow's Newest TikTok Videos (a physician discusses the educational pathway he took, to become a board certified otolaryngologist)

3:58 PM (10/26/21): “A photo of the residency letter I had received, on 10/11/20 at 5:57 PM… …'the original one,' that is… I had been sitting at the countertop in my former apartment (at the ‘Vanguard Crossing complex’)…” - Michael Izuchukwu
“After working at Eastern Virginia Medical School in the summer of 2019, I had been under the impression I would have an ‘otolaryngology’ residency at Emory… but I was redirected to University City, MO, where I worked on my ‘Theory of Dimensional Limitation’… for 7 months…” - Michael Izuchukwu 

10:21 AM (7/4/22): "I have often wondered as to why there was no 'specification' of my full name, on the envelope which had arrived... from EVMS, when I had pulled out this 'residency letter'... on 10/11/20..." - Michael Izuchukwu


first big purchase with my anesthesia paycheck 🥺 #tesla #model3 #doctor #anesthesiologist #medicine (


Laila (@laila.sultani) TikTok | Watch Laila's Newest TikTok Videos 


MedSchoolCoach (@therealmedschoolcoach) TikTok | Watch MedSchoolCoach's Newest TikTok Videos


How online graduate programs offer degrees at significant savings - YouTube


1:21 AM (8/16/22):

1. Jennifer Welch (@medschooladmissions101) TikTok | Watch Jennifer Welch's Newest TikTok Videos

2. medschoolboiz (@medschoolboiz) TikTok | Watch medschoolboiz's Newest TikTok Videos

3. Yusuf (@everything.orgo) TikTok | Watch Yusuf's Newest TikTok Videos

4. medschoolboiz (@medschoolboiz) TikTok | Watch medschoolboiz's Newest TikTok Videos

5. love my job 🫶 #premed #operatingroom #dayinlife #healthcare #medschool ( (the duties of an ‘operating room assistant,’ kind of relate… to that of a ‘surgical assistant’…)


Indeed Resume (


3:02 PM (2/20/22): 

"Most of my correspondence with Eastern Virginia Medical School (before work there, in the summer of 2019), was done online (remotely)... but after getting a 'Residency Offer notice' in the mail (on 10/11/20)... I concluded that my Match Day corresponded... to 2019..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Match Day 2016 - YouTube


3:25 PM (2/20/22):


Official Seton Hall University transcript (with some transferred credits, from Rice University):


"At 2:19:05-2:19:21 in this video of the 2015 Seton Hall Commencement ceremony... I am certain I make an appearance... nevertheless, the 'enunciation' of my name... was apparently censored, which made my sighting... a bit 'elusive'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2015 Commencement Ceremony - YouTube

At 2:22 PM on 12/27/22, I rewatched a portion of this video... and discovered that I am in fact featured in the above video (2:26:58-2:27:19), although my middle name is mispronounced... and I am 'relatively unrecognizable'... due to what I would call 'spectroscopical encryption'...

[Seton Hall graduation photo (5/18/15), juxtaposed with a photo of me in scrubs (at 12:25 PM, on 9/15/22)... when I had been walking in Newark, NJ]
NOTE #1:
Maybe the first sighting (a doppelganger), was intended as some kind of decoy... for the 'spectroscopical encryption'... which itself, was another decoy...
NOTE #2:
Either I was the first sighting, but my name was misattributed to the second one... or neither of those sightings, were me... and there was just the 'butchering,' of my middle name... 
NOTE #3:
I believe the issue was the 'spectroscopical encryption of sighting #2 (which otherwise would have been genuine), and my middle name 'mispronunciation'...

"Well son, maybe 'they' were trying to make it seem... like you were born in Africa [even though you were not (you were born in Massachusetts), and I was]... as a means, of making me more proud... ...even though, I was not in attendance of your Seton Hall graduation..." - John Izuchukwu, Sr. (dad) 

1:58 PM (6/26/23):
"In this portrait, from my childhood (during the years, my family had lived in Loveland, Ohio)... one can see, what appears to be... my dad's arm, photoshopped... 'as mine'... At 4:12 PM, on 10/8/20 (the day my dad had died)... I snapped this photo, when rummaging through things (at my former apartment, in University City, MO)... that I could salvage..." - Michael Izuchukwu
I suspect, a non-relative knew of this photo... and that when I graduated from Seton Hall University, on 5/18/15, this was 'the primer'... intended, for me to identify... who I was, in the photo of myself (on the left side, of the 'above juxtaposition')... that I suspected, was subject... to 'spectroscopical encryption'...


EVMS Surgery (@evmssurgery) / Twitter


3:43 PM (2/26/22): "...Some of the text I relayed via my Couchsurfing profile (along with other social media outlets, such as some of my 'deleted or deactivated,' former Facebook profiles)... may have been factored, into what was considered my 'intern year'... Prior to arriving in University City, MO (in March 2020), I had engaged in interstate travels... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Fall 2019) and various parts of New York and New Jersey... I suppose an audience had taken notice of the preliminary aspects of my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation,' when I had relayed aspects of such... via the aforementioned platforms. This preceded the delivery of my 'Residency Offer' notice in the mail, as of 10/11/20 (and in the context of 'the aforementioned,' there likely was some correlation)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Who Are Doctors, Residents, Interns, and Attendings? (

11:52 AM (3/17/22): 


6:51 AM (3/31/22): 


1:59 PM (5/22/22): "Me standing near the entranceway, to the lobby area... of my former apartment complex... on 8/2/20, at 8:23 AM... I was posing, given that it had been about half a year... since I received some notice via e-mail, regarding a potential 'residency offer'... at Emory... At the time, I could not locate such (a vanished e-mail, apparently)... so in a sense, this photo was an 'OS' signal... to get follow-up correspondence, which I eventually did... on 10/11/20..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

9:52 PM (5/22/22): "At 8:42 PM today (on 5/22/22), I concluded that it may be in my best interest… to do a job, which is distinctive from those I have gotten up to now (relating to my behavioral science degree from Seton Hall, and in the aftermath of my work at Eastern Virginia Medical School)… Such should endow me with the flexibility necessary, to meet new people… in the Tristate area, and potentially find a ‘significant other (one that complements my present circumstances, and myself)’… aside from giving me time, to develop new insights… regarding my ‘Theory of Dimensional Limitation’…Doing so would promote my ability delve deeper into higher level mathematics, beyond multivariable calculus… after reacquainting myself with the subjects, that build… up to such…

I figure that one has one life to live, and I have accomplished much… in relation to when I was 18 years old. Presently, I am 32.5 years and 20 days old, although I can still remember leaving high school and heading off to college at Rice University… for the first time (before ultimately transferring to Seton Hall University), as though such was just yesterday… One likely sees the world a lot more differently at age 40 than 30, when compared to age 30… as opposed to 20, due to enhanced maturity… but also, due to time’s passage… and the fact, that such cannot be recaptured… In the context of Occam’s Razor (a principle that relates to ‘reductionism’), it makes sense if one progresses through spacetime in a manner that promotes ‘asymptotic aging’… such is likely attributable to ‘divine influence’… and time is the variable, which accounts… for when one is ‘carried away,’ by God… just as Enoch was, in the bible… due to his righteousness… He fathered Methuselah, who had lived to the age of 969…” – Michael Izuchukwu

see: Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz309) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos 


How I got a FULL RIDE to Rice University | Revealing my accepted essays class of 2025 | Essay tips - YouTube

1:26 PM (6/5/22):

"In the Spring of 2008, there was a ceremony at Lafayette Senior High School... in which it was confirmed that I secured a full ride scholarship ('on-campus housing, book coverage and a meal plan'), to Rice University... for my academic and athletic accolades, up to that point... in time..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Lafayette (Wildwood) HS Track Records (


9:09 AM (6/25/22):

"I only recall having expressed interest in residency, at Emory University and Eastern Virginia Medical School... the notification I had received electronically, in the Spring of 2020 (regarding Emory)... was not retrievable, and this may have been correlated to the fact that my laptop had been 'involuntarily disabled'... in the Fall of 2019, when I had been in Philadelphia, PA (from October 2019 to February 2020, in the aftermath of having been in Virginia)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:15 AM (6/25/22):
"When on the campus of EVMS, and doing research regarding otolaryngological procedure... I recall also having sought a 'behavioral health analyst' position, at Hofheimer Hall (having engaged in conversation, with a staff member who had been working at that building... at the time. His name had been on my former laptop)... Such preceded the interruption, that occurred there... regarding my work..." - Michael Izuchukwu


[21. "Around 12:51 PM on 6/21/22, a 'miracle' happened... and such was the restoration of the audio functionality... to my Motorola phone (when filming videos), which previously had been 'involuntarily disabled'... This had resulted in me getting a '$296' Samsung phone (case and screen protector, included), for the sake of filming some videos... after I received confirmation (at a T-Mobile location, in the Livingston, NJ, area)... that the audio wasn't working... prior to committing, to an 'alternative phone'... I am not exactly sure what accounts for the 'restoration (given I did nothing more than test to see, if I could hear the audio... of a video, I recorded... with the Motorola phone)'... Hmmm..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Taking note that the audio for my Motorola phone was restored (12:51 PM, on 6/21/22) - YouTube 


$3.80 (Three dollars and eighty cents - 10:18 AM, on 5/15/22) - YouTube ]

9:25 AM (6/25/22): "Whatever accounted for the 'cyber obstruction' that my cellphone experienced (as described in the above excerpts), was relatable to what happened to my laptop... in the Fall of 2019 - such was not usable, given after logging into such... a screen would appear, and I could not move the cursor)... My laptop had had a number of programs, course material and notes... on such..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:35 AM (7/10/22):

USMLE Step 1 Motivation👊#shorts - YouTube 


Home | United States Medical Licensing Examination (


Step 1 Content Outline and Specifications | USMLE

"I never took the United States Medical Licensing Examination (steps 2 and 3); hence, I am not licensed (to my recollection, I had taken Step 1 sometime in 2017)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(a photo of me taking 'a step' in the summer of 2019, in Virginia Beach, VA... when I had been walking by the area of a Mercedes Benz & Maserati car dealership)



7:00 AM (7/18/22):
(via Google):

[Step 1 tests your ability to recall important information related to the Basic Sciences. Meanwhile,

Step 2 CK tests your ability to apply that same information in the clinic.

Step 3 assesses whether you can apply medical knowledge and understanding of biomedical and clinical science essential for the unsupervised practice of medicine, with emphasis on patient management in ambulatory settings. It is the final examination in the USMLE sequence leading to a license to practice medicine without supervision]


usmle step 1 2 and 3 - Google Search 


Everything you need to know about the USMLE Step 1, 2, and 3 | Achievable Test Prep


MO allows doctors to practice without residency - YouTube


>>>PROOF OF ADDRESS (8342 DELCREST DR., UNIVERSITY CITY, MO 63124), as of 9/21/20 at 9:22 AM (<<<


8:59 AM (7/24/22): "A snapshot (recap) of my recollection, of my MCAT score... in 2014 (39 out of 45)... from my primary Instragram profile... The notation was made on 10/15/20, which was 647 days ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Rice University (2008-2010)
(Rice University's Herzstein Hall, where I had done a number of mathematics and physics courses... as a student)

Seton Hall University (2012-2015)
(Entranceway to Seton Hall University, at 8:54 AM... on 3/22/22)

Eastern Virginia Medical School (2016-2019)
(Eastern Virginia Medical School's Brickell Medical Sciences library - one of the locations where I had been doing research on 'otolaryngological procedure,' in the summer of 2019)

12:51 PM (10/23/22): 

5:53 AM (12/4/22):

"You would have been PGY-3, by now...?" - Dr. Weber

"...Agreed, Dr. Weber... assuming everything had gone according to plan, as of the Fall of 2020..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:51 AM (12/10/22):
Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis - Seton Hall University (

12:19 PM (12/16/22):
 “A photo of a human torso, from 5:18 AM... on 10/15/20 (at my former apartment, in University City, MO)... Such shows internal organs of a male, and a reason I had significant interest in the specialty of ‘otolaryngology (which deals with the head/ear, neck and throat)’ when at Eastern Virginia Medical School... was because I personally believe, that there is a link between asymptotic aging... and the connection which must exist, between transcending spacetime... via relating to ‘higher dimensions,’ and one’s physiological efficiency... and composition...” - Michael Izuchukwu


8:58 AM (6/25/22): "A photo of Dr. L.D. Britt, standing amongst some Eastern Virginia Medical School surgery residents... He is the present Brickhouse Professor of Surgery, at EVMS... and in the summer of 2019, I had been doing research on otolaryngological procedure... on the campus, at the Brickell Medical Sciences library... and at Hofheimer Hall... after having been doing my studies, in a remote capacity... from 2016-2019..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"Featured here, is Dr. L.D. Britt... He kind of has the vibe of, 'I was in pediatrics... The children relate well...' Nevertheless, that is not necessarily his specialization... or area, of expertise..." - Michael Izuchukwu



3:37 PM (1/19/23):
(daily view trajectory, by month) 

3:47 PM (1/19/23):

(breakdown by country, for total views for first graph... in that time interval)

BLOG VIEW COUNT UPDATE (7:00 PM, on 2/26/23):
(daily view trajectory, by month) 

(breakdown by country, for total views for first graph... in that time interval)

6:46 AM (2/27/23):
"Interesting ranking video, featuring interesting and soothing 'cafe music'... as though intended, to facilitate... the 'activation, of the mind'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"...your work... can speak, for itself..." - Melodie Yashar
"When I had been at Rice University (2008-2010), at some point... there was a committee that had convened (in 2010, to my recollection), and I had to attend such... as a means, of proposing my own major... of astrochemistry (which was not available, at that institution)... I had drafted a list of courses, which were relevant as course material... for that major... ...and that intent... ultimately paved the way, for my time at Eastern Virginia Medical School (in a remote/online/digital capacity)... Arguably, there was some overlap (and refinement)... between the courses that I had assembled (and of them), and the curriculum I had... prior to working, in Virginia... in the summer of 2019..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
I recall Dean Hutchinson (John S. Hutchinson | Faculty | The People of Rice | Rice University), being a member of the committee (possibly the Chair), and to my understanding... there are more astrochemistry opportunities (scholastic and work-related), in Europe... than in the United States
SEE: Astrochemistry ( )
NOTE #2:
10:00 PM (9/6/23):
When I had been in Philadelphia, PA... in the Fall of 2019, my laptop (Microsoft Surface) had been 'involuntarily disabled'... and such, had contained a volume of information (coursework and contacts) on such... Nevertheless, this act... likely was the catalyst, for the numerous blogs... that I created, and the social media output (Blogger: User Profile: Michael Izuchukwu)... I generated, since then (I had managed, to salvage... some of the things, which I had thought to be 'of priority' to me... the weeks, that preceded... that laptop's disabling)...
10:22 PM (9/6/23):
When I was salvaging material on my laptop [having gone to Pennsylvania in October 2019, while returning from Virginia (to New Jersey)... as of August 2019], my prioritization was aligned... with the principle, that matters of the spirit... take precedence... to those, of the mind (which does the same, for the physicality/body)...

[photo of me, in a golden restroom (at night)... of Virginia Beach, VA... in the summer of 2019 - 'establishment name, is unknown']
I was wearing the 'above attire,' at the event... featured, in the above blog (on May 5, 2019)... Norfolk, VA (Main: Hilton hotel)...

I was just recommended this YouTube video (a minute or so, ago), and immediately I knew that 'SSRI's' stood for 'selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors'... Nevertheless, I am 'presently rusty'... regarding my knowledge, of all the course material... encapsulated, by the aforementioned curriculum...

11:32 PM (9/6/23):
11:46 PM (9/6/23):
The year I got into EVMS (2016), was the same one that JJ (my middle brother)... had 'his issue,' with law enforcement (to put things mildly)... ...regarding his incident, on 12/20/16...

5:19 PM (9/7/23):
What are the implications, of mistaking a 'Nigerian felon'... for an Egyptian archangel...? ...or am I mistaken...?
(my sentiments/computed emotions... at this time)

Theoretical dialogue:
"I have a son, in medical school..." - Dad
"Who is he...?" - EVMS staff member
"John Izuchukwu..." - Dad
(research is then done, on my middle brother)
"He is my son, a Nigerian..." - Dad
"...oh, I didn't know that..." - EVMS staff member
(EVMS staff member is confused, when he sees me in the database/system)
"This dude doesn't seem like an on-campus Nigerian..." - EVMS staff member (thoughts, to 'himself')
NOTE #1:
My birth certificate, authenticates that I was born on November 2, 1989... in Newton, Massachusetts...
NOTE #2:
Egypt is in Africa (1 of 54 countries)
7:14 PM (9/14/23):
(regarding multiple references, to Virginia politics... as of 2/8/19)
"Apparently, in life... these are your two main options (relativity)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:37 PM (9/7/23):

8:35 AM (9/8/23):
(Google snapshot, from 8:33 AM... on 9/8/23)

(Snapshot of the LinkedIn profile of my dad, regarding his 'education')
